Reflecting Light
Sometimes ‘bad’ things happen, not because we ‘deserve’ it, but because they offer the opportunity for the Power of God to be seen by the world.
(Bad=being born blind because in our world that seems like a punishment).
(Deserve=we actually do deserve punishment for our sins, but God’s free gift of self-sacrifice took all that need away. Which means that being blind, having depression or down syndrome… is not a consequence for sin but a gift to us so that God can use us and our circumstances for His glory).
The ‘miracle’ doesn’t always look pretty and may not transpire in the way we imagined. Take for instance the story of the blind man in John chapter 9. God used His own spit to cover the man’s eyes. I am not sure that I would desire for Jesus to use the tactic of human saliva to personify His majesty. But, I do crave His favor in my life. Once we are healed we are to go and make ourselves clean. God takes away our need for forgiveness of sin, but we have to put in the effort of ripping away the sin for our lives. Just like the man had to go to the pool of Siloam and remove the mud from his eye. Next, we are to proclaim what Jesus has done in our lives and become radically different from our former selves. Now, our actions should mirror the Holy Spirit and what He is doing in our hearts.
I know that many of us will be persecuted, out-cast, shamed, criticized, and mocked for proclaiming Jesus as the Son of God. We may lose friends and loved ones because they are afraid to socialize with us or just feel uncomfortable with who we are becoming and the Light that we are reflecting. We should not be afraid of the social consequences, prejudice, and standard norms of society. Most likely we will be socially isolated for truly following Jesus…can you handle that? Are you willing to live the life He is calling you too, to celebrate the miracles He performs, believe in His Word, and stay on the path that He has laid out for your life? I sure hope so. I know I am. And I can't wait to see what He uses to clean you off with once you are willing to be made new.
LoriBeth Brown, LPC